“Working Together for Change”

“Hi, I’m State Senator Kevin Dahle, Senate District 20. I want to continue putting people before politics. Over the last few years we’ve seen a lot of gridlock; we’ve seen a lot of partisan bickering. But that means that our people, our seniors, our veterans, our farmers, our business owners,  all constituents aren’t getting the results that they need. I have been part of a Purple Caucus. We’ve been meeting-Republicans and Democrats-over the last several months of the legislative session to make sure that we have total transparency. That we make deadlines. That we get the work done. When my issues and your issues become our issues, we can accomplish great things. Vote Senator Kevin Dahle, November 8th.”

“Let’s Continue Our Work”

“Hi, I’m State Senator Kevin Dahle and it has been a pleasure to represent you in Senate District 20. I want to continue the great work that we’ve already accomplished in St. Paul. For example the ‘Buy the Farm’ legislation, making sure landowners and farmers are protected from projects like CapX2020 roaring across their land.I want to continue education reform making sure that our rural districts get the same kind of funding that our metro districts get without heavy reliance on property taxes.
Also, I want to continue funding projects like ‘Forever Green’ which gives farmers more opportunities for more commodities, but also saves precious, precious nutrients in our soil and our environment. And finally I also want to continue my work on consumer protection, taking on payday lenders. We’ve accomplished a lot. When my issues and your issues become our issues, we can accomplish great things. I need your vote Tuesday, November 8th.”

“Talking With Voters”

“Hi I’m Senator Kevin Dahle, Senate District 20, and one of the best parts of campaigning is going door-to-door. And I’ve been doing that a lot these last few months. Four or five nights a week I’m out in Le Center and Montgomery and Lonsdale and New Prague tonight and Belle Plaine and other towns. And that’s probably the best time to interact with voters. We do a lot of campaigning through mail, through phone calls. You’re gonna see some Facebook ads etc. and some radio, but really the best type of campaigning for me and the one I  get the most enjoyment out of is meeting the voters face-to-face. A lot of voters they get a chance to share some of the concerns that they have. Some of the things that policies might affect them personally. Whether it’s something about long-term care, or I talked to a gentleman the other day about to property taxes. Other issues-roads and bridges-that come to mind, or perhaps a the mounting student debt that their child is experiencing through college.
Kevin: “Hi how are you?”
Homeowner: “Hi”
Kevin: “I’m Senator Kevin Dahle, I’m doing a little door knocking”
Homeowner: “Hi Kevin”
Kevin: “I don’t know if you’ve made any decisions yet in the November eighth election, but I’d love to have your support”
Homeowner: “Great!”
Kevin: “Any issues important to you?”
Homeowner: “Well, we’re big into education. We have two young boys, so looking forward to getting them through the education system.”
Kevin: “Well I’m a teacher of 33 years, and of course I would like to get back and work on some other things. Affordable college tuition and student loan debt. We have a teacher shortage, still want to make sure we have good quality teachers in front of our students. Yeah, November eighth that can I count on you and your wife’s support?”
Homeowner: “Yeah I think absolutely yes” Kevin: “Well super, great!”
Kevin: “Well have a good rest of your evening”
Homeowner: “Thanks very much”
Kevin: “Thank you”
It’s a privilege and an honor to serve the residents of Senate District 20, and I’m hoping to get your support November eighth, general election.”

“Our Issues”

Hi, I’m State Senator Kevin Dahle, Senate District 20. I want to continue to represent the issues and concerns of the citizens of this particular district. I want to make sure that college is affordable, to make sure that student loan debt is not a control. That students can afford college. I want to make sure that our schools are properly funded; that the State takes over the funding and not at the expense of property tax owners. I also want to make sure that our Main Street businesses also are thriving through lower property taxes or lower business taxes. And I want to make sure that our nursing homes get the funding that they need to make sure that Senior Citizens get the quality of life that they deserve. I put people before politics, I appreciate your vote on November 8th.

“Work to Do”

Hi I’m State Senator Kevin Dahle and it’s been an honor and a privilege  to serve you and the residents of Senate District 20. We’ve accomplished much for our veterans, our farmers, our seniors, our students, and our business owners. But there’s a lot more we can accomplish. I want to continue to fight to end gridlock, to work in a bipartisan effort to make sure that we get work done on time. That’s been my goal since I’ve been in the Senate and I will continue to work there and for you. I appreciate your vote and your support on Tuesday, November 8th.

“Putting People Before Politics”

Hi I’m Senator Kevin Dahle, Northfield, representing Senate District 20 and I want to return to St. Paul to do the work for you. I believe that we need to continue our work on education, on the workforce development, and government reform. I always put people before politics. I’ll ask for your vote on November 8th.

“Every Vote Counts”

Hello, I’m State Senator Kevin Dahle, Senate District 20, and as a civics teacher for the last 34 years, I can’t emphasize enough the importance and the responsibility of voting. This last election I only won by 71 votes, so every vote counts Your vote counts. We can’t afford to risk funding our schools, our seniors, and our downtown and our main streets. So I ask for your vote. And make sure that you get to the polls on Tuesday, November 8th and vote Senator Kevin Dahle.