In a few days, voters will cast their votes for elected officials all across Minnesota. I want to express my sincere thanks to the many voters across district 25 who have placed their confidence in me and the work I have done in the Minnesota legislature. I have tried to run a dignified campaign, focusing on my own accomplishments and my solutions for a better Minnesota.
We are at the threshold of making an important decision that will impact generations to come. That decision is whether we invest in humanity now for the benefit of the future…or do we invest in roadblocks and finger-pointing to satisfy a short-term political need? Do we meet the challenges before us to create a greater Minnesota or do we leave it for our children to sort through the challenges ignored by their parent’s generation?
I believe in possibilities. I believe together we can meet the challenges and maximize the opportunities that lay before us. What will break the people of District 25 and Minnesota is not adversity – we’ve been here before. What will break our spirit is thinking that tomorrow is going to be just like yesterday. If we think that government cannot change that which is broken, we lose interest, we lose faith, we lose the people…but worst of all, we lose the future.
Thanks again for placing your confidence in me. I want to continue to work with you as your Senator in the Minnesota legislature. I appreciate your support and your vote on Tuesday November 2.
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